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What Is 5G?

5G is the fifth generation of mobile wireless communication technology. It rolled out in 2019, and 6G is rumored to be released in 2030. This technology revolutionizes the way we connect and communicate. So, what exactly is 5G, and how does it differ from its predecessors?

Simply put, 5G is the latest standard that is designed to offer faster speeds, lower latency, and increased device capacity compared to previous generations like 4G. This represents a significant leap forward in terms of performance, unlocking exciting possibilities for businesses and consumers alike.

What Are the Benefits of 5G?

5G, combined with other technologies like the cloud and Internet of Things (IoT), will change how business is done or even how entire industries operate.

Here is how 5G can increase employee productivity and provide better customer experiences.

Faster Speeds

The most notable advantage of 5G is its higher connection speed. While 4G theoretically reaches a maximum speed of 100 Mbps (Megabytes per second), 5G has the potential to reach speeds as high as 10 Gbps (Gigabits per second).

1 Gbps is equal to 1,000 Mbps. In other words, 5G can be up to 100 times faster than 4G. This level of performance is certainly needed for an increasingly connected society.

Higher Device Capacity

Every network has a limit on the number of devices that can transmit data simultaneously. 4G isn’t built to handle the increasing number of devices businesses are using to transfer data. 5G, on the other hand, can support 1 million connected devices per 0.38 square miles. That’s significantly more than 4G’s 2,000.

Lower Latency

Network latency refers to the time it takes for data to travel between two points. It’s caused by a variety of factors, including the speed of the network, available bandwidth, and size of the transmitted data.

5G significantly shortens this amount of time to faster than the blink of an eye, allowing users to send and download vast amounts of data in near real-time. This speed was almost unimaginable a few years ago.

Network Slicing

Depending on one company’s size, services, and operations, they may need different network requirements than another. That’s where network slicing comes in.

Network slicing allows multiple logical networks to be created on top of a common shared physical network. This means parts of the network are segmented for different uses.

Each slice can be assigned more bandwidth or spectrum and adjusted to meet the requirements for a particular application, even in real time. Importantly, the traffic from one slice does not interfere with another.

Find The Right Telecom Solutions Provider for Your Business

When you’re ready to use 5G for your business, reach out to CC3 Solutions!

We started our business to fill the gaps between your company and your telecommunications provider, and we’ll work with you to implement a specialized strategy for your business.

Our knowledgeable team is committed to making the customer experience seamless. With us, you’ll never have to be stuck on hold with a call center again!

Contact us today to get started!