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What Services Does Our Warehouse Inventory Management Provide?

Companies in any industry can have difficulty getting off the ground when they don’t incorporate new technology efficiently. So, how do employees get the technology they need? It all starts with a warehouse!

Continue reading to learn about the CC3 Solutions warehouse and the services it provides!

Warehouse Inventory Management

Warehouse inventory management is the process of receiving, storing, and tracking inventory in a warehouse. Other key aspects are managing the warehouse staff and optimizing storage space and costs, which directly impact fulfillment, shipping, and the customer experience.

This is important for:

  •  balancing the risks of overstocks and shortages.
  • dealing with sudden demand or market changes.
  • ensuring maximum efficiency.
  • keeping track of inventory levels.
  • ordering and timing supply shipments correctly.

Device Staging and Kitting

Each device in the warehouse can come with staging and kitting services. This way you can minimize downtime and get to work.

Services include:

  • company-approved accessories, like cases, screen protectors, vehicle mounts, and additional chargers.
  • company-specific configurations. 
  • security protocols.
  • software updates.
  • updated operating systems.

Advanced Warranty and Exchange

Do you want more peace of mind? That’s where having an advanced warranty and exchange policy comes in! If a product is not functioning as it should, it could be returned, replaced, repaired, or exchanged.

It’s important to note that not all warranties are the same. Some warranties cover all kinds of damage or just specific defects, and some last for a year while others are more or less. Understanding how your warranty operates can give you the tool you need to resolve product issues.

Luckily, your warranty is easy to find since each item has a serial number.

Equipment Buyback

Of course, mobile devices aren’t designed to work forever. You may want to use an equipment buyback program to:

  • allow others to use it as a refurbished product.
  • ensure all data is completely erased.
  • have it properly recycled.
  • make some money for your business.

Stay Ahead of the Technology Curve With CC3 Solutions

Now you know how devices are stored in the warehouse, how they can be sent out ready to use under an advanced warranty and equipment policy, and how old equipment can be put in a buyback program.

CC3 Solutions is your trusted single-source solution provider. We make it easy to source and implement new solutions and stay ahead of the technology curve.

Our knowledgeable team is committed to making the customer experience seamless. With us, you’ll never have to be stuck on hold with a call center again!

Contact us today to get started!