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7 Ways to Protect Your Business From Cyberattacks

Small businesses are especially attractive targets to hackers. They have information that cybercriminals want and have a perceived lack of cybersecurity knowledge and resources.

While 88% of small business owners surveyed feel their business is vulnerable, many businesses have limited time to dedicate to cybersecurity or don’t know where to begin.

Get started by following this expert guide on ways to protect your business from cyberattacks!

Educate Your Employees

Scammers pretend to be someone you trust, as though they work at your company or for a government agency. They also evoke a sense of panic or urgency, so you rush to make a decision without fact-checking what they say.

Bypass these tactics by training employees to:

  • avoid suspicious downloads.
  • enable authentication tools.
  • use good internet browsing practices.
  • protect sensitive information.
  • spot phishing emails.

Phishing emails are responsible for more than 75% of security breaches. Hackers can use real brand images and logos, and attacks now include the victim’s name. Email addresses can be spoofed, and links are deceptive.

A common phishing scam is a rush to make an unexpected payment. Be aware of how they’re asking you to pay; if it’s by gift card, reloadable card, or wire transfer, it’s a scam.

Implement Safe Password Practices

All employee devices must be password protected. A secure password is not based on personal information and has at least 12 characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, and numbers and special symbols. Passwords should also be unique for each account.

It’s wise to take the extra step and enable multi-factor authentication. MFAs ask for:

  • something you have, like an authentication application or a confirmation text message;
  • something you know, like a PIN number or password;
  • or something that physically represents you, like a face scan or fingerprint.

Keep Software and Systems Updated

You may be tempted to wait to update your software or systems. Yet, hackers are constantly on the move to find new vulnerabilities and exploit existing ones. Plus, once they get in, it may be too late for precautionary measures.

It’s important to:

  • equip computers with antivirus software and regularly update them.
  • configure updates to install automatically.
  • update operating systems, web browsers, and other applications.

Make Endpoint Security a Priority

Endpoints, such as desktop computers, laptops, and mobile devices, serve as points of access to an enterprise network. Since this network can be exploited by cybercriminals, endpoint security protects these entry points from attacks.

Having endpoint security is essential, especially with the increase in BYOD (bring your own device) policies and as employees work from home or connect to Wi-Fi networks while working on the go.

Set up a Firewall

A firewall acts as a barrier between your computer and another network, like the internet. It filters traffic and blocks outsiders from gaining authorized access to private data. Not only that, but it’ll block malicious software from infecting your computer. These reasons make setting up a firewall one of the most efficient strategies for defending yourself against a cyberattack.

Back Up Your Data

Regularly back up data on all computers. If possible, also save this data to an online drive weekly. Important information to back up includes:

  • databases,
  • electronic spreadsheets,
  • word processing documents,
  • accounting files.
  • financial files,
  • and human resources files.

Control Data Access

You wouldn’t want your employees to install software that compromises your systems or get to files they don’t need. Luckily, you can appoint administrators, who can manage other users, add or remove programs, and access any file. That way, employees only access the information they need.

It’s worth noting that you should ensure former employees have returned all company-issued devices and are removed from your systems.

Stay Secure With CC3 Solutions!

CC3 Solutions is your trusted single-source solution provider. We make it easy to source and implement new solutions and stay ahead of the technology curve.

We procure mobile devices, deploy them from our warehouse, and provide ongoing service and support as needed. Our cybersecurity solutions are customized to meet the needs of your small or large business.

To get started, contact us today!